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Now Available!


What happens to our faith when pain becomes chronic and, perhaps, worsens? Do we draw nearer to God? Or, do we drift away? Do we feel more encouraged by grace? Or, do we wonder if there's a purpose, a point in the pain?


Beyond Pain: Job, Jesus, and Joy Revised Edition encourages people living with chronic pain to find inspiration and strength in the story of Job and the life of Jesus. With new Prayer Prompts and added content in light of the recent pandemic, the book offers a way to find blessings all along the challenging journey of pain, to lift eyes and heart from the confines of suffering to the joy that awaits each of us in God's mercy and love. Also included are discussion questions for use by individuals or group fellowship.

New cover, new endorsements, same inspirational content! Now the basis for a national ministry of accompaniment for people who live with chronic pain and illness - The Peace in the Storm Project
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Since its publication in 2005, Peace in the Storm: Meditations on Chronic Pain and Illness, has been embraced by individuals and church communities as an inspirational, encouraging resource for growing faith all along the journey of chronic pain and illness. In 2023, the book was granted the following ecclesial designations:


Nihil Obstat -

Rev. Donals A. Guglielmi,

Censor Librorum

June 13, 2023


Imprimatur - 

+ Frank Caggiano,

Bishop of Bridgeport

June 13, 2023


Also in 2023, in collaboration with members of St. Aloysius Catholic Church in New Canaan, CT, a new model of parish accompaniment for persons living with chronic pain and illness was formed. In a few, short, months, The Peace in the Storm Project has spread throughout the United States. Its simple, powerful format of fellowship, adult catechesis, scripture reflection, and prayer is helping many to rediscover and reconnect with their faith and God's abundant encouragement and love.



Peace in the Storm: Meditations on Chronic Pain and Illness is now published by Galilee Road Publishing LLC - available wherever books are sold!



Currently out of print, but under revision.
Limited copies available from the author. Contact Maureen for details.
Currently unavailable. New, revised edition coming soon!