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Losing Our Common Sense?

I've found myself saying, more often these days, "What were they thinking?!" Take the tragedy at the Indiana State Fair, for instance. Midwesterners are no naifs when it comes to violent weather - winds, rain, snow, tornadoes. What were the fair and concert organizers thinking to carry on with the concert during a horrible wind/storm event? And what were the concertgoers thinking to remain on the grounds as blustering gusts wreaked havoc upon and around them? As a native Midwesterner, I find great direction and comfort in relying upon common sense. .Unfortunately, these days I wonder if human ego is butting against the more cautious common sense, thinking it can withstand anything in the face of what it wants to do or have. Yes, it would have been a pain for all concerned to stop the concert and clear the fairgrounds as soon as the storm kicked up (or even beforehand, meteorology being what it is today). I'm sure dollars would have been lost and some people would have complained loudly. But given the aftermath, was it really worth it in dollars, effort, and blood spilled to continue on? Where was everyone's common sense? My condolences to those families who lost loved ones in the tragedy, and my prayers for comfort during their time of grief. Also, my hopes that this event will stand as a lesson for the future - we are human. We cannot control nature. We are vulnerable in the face of storms. We have common sense. We need to use it
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